Bibimbap ( 비빔밥)

Bibimbap(비빔밥) which means “mixed rice” is a healthy and hearty everyday dish that consists of steamed rice, vegetables and meat. And before the rice is placed in the bowl, the bottom of the bowl is coated with sesame oil making the layer of the rice forms a crispy crust at the bottom(a bit similar to our Asian Claypot Rice) while the dish is often serve with a dollop of gochujang.



There are a few common of vegetables used in Bibimbap such as julienne cucumber or zucchini, mushrooms, soy bean sprouts, carrots, spinach and etc. And if for health reason or personal preference, beef can often be substituted with chicken or seafood too.

(Serves2          | Preparation15 minutes          | Cooking15 – 20 minutes)

2 Serving Portions of Cooked White Rice
4 Medium Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms, cut into thin slices
60g Bean Sprout
1 Small Carrot, julienne
1 Small Zucchini, julienne
100g Spinach, blanched
Some Cabbage Kimchi, optional
2 Eggs
3 Garlic Cloves, finely chopped

Drizzling Sauce:
1 Tablespoon Sesame Oil
1/2 Tablespoon Sesame Seeds
Pinch of Salt

To Serve:
Gochujang/Bibimbap Paste
1 Teaspoon Toasted Sesame Seeds
Extra Sesame Oil


1. Fill a medium saucepan or pot with water and bring to boil. Blanch the spinach for about 1 minute, drain, rinse with cold water and squeeze out any excess liquid.

2. Roughly cut spinach into section and add in half of the drizzling sauce and mix well. Set aside.

3. Repeat the same produce as above with the bean sprouts.

4. Add 1 teaspoon of sesame oil in a small frying pan/saucepan, saute the zucchini with some chopped garlic till zucchini soften. Remove and set aside.

5. Repeat the step with carrot and mushrooms, keeping them separate.

6. Using individual heatproof casserole dish, grease inside lightly with some sesame oil, add 1 portion of the rice and place over high heat for 3 minutes to sear the rice.

7. At the meantime, prepare the pan and fry the sunny-side up egg.

8. To serve, remove casserole from heat, place egg in the center and arrange the prepared vegetables alternatively around the egg. Sprinkle with extra sesame seeds and sesame oil, serve immediately with some gochujang paste on the side.



If you have time, prepared all the side vegetables ahead in the morning and keep them in the fridge so that you would be able to get the dish ready in 10 minutes during lunch or dinner.


Often a raw/fried egg together with sliced meat (usually beef) are the two commonly additions to Bibimbap but for my version, I have adapted most of the common ingredients except meat which I have left out for this recipe. To start the meal, just give the mixture a few stirs to combine the ingredients and enjoy. 

Nutella Cupcakes with Chocolate Chips

There are so many versions of Self-frosting Nutella Cupcake recipes available online whenever you do a goggle search. Here I am using a recipe from Camemberu with slight changes by adding my son’s favourite mini chocolate chips to make it more chocolatey on top of the Nutella used.


For the recipe of this Nutella Cupcakes with Chocolate Chip you would notice that I have used 2 types of flours like what I did for the Kiwifruit and Lime Cupcakes as i prefer a lighter texture by in-cooperate some self-raising flour. But if you find it too troublesome, you could always follow the original recipe and use 100g of plain flour plus 1 teaspoon of baking powder instead.

Recipe adapted and modify from Camemberu Self-Frosting Nutella Cupcakes.

(servesmake 6 | Preparation10-15 minutes | Cooking20 minutes)

70g Plain Flour
30g Self-Raising Flour
70g Unsalted Butter, soften
70g Caster Sugar
2 Eggs, 60g each
1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1/4 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips
Pinch of Salt
Some Nutella Spread


1. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy(about 2 minutes on medium speed)

2. Add egg one at a time and beat till no trace of egg mixture.

3. Next add vanilla and stir in flour mixture until flours are full in-cooperate before toss in the chocolate chips and mix well.

4. Fill each cup with 1/4 of the batter, add in 1 teaspoon of Nutella each before covering it with batter to fill 3/4 full.

5. Give the mixture a quick swirl using toothpick and bake in preheated 180 degree celsius oven for 20 minutes or until skewer insert and comes out clean.

These are some of the Mini Nutella and Peanut Butter Cupcakes which my boy would occasionally request as his tea snack or breakfast. And I guess these mini version would be great for kids to bring to school or outings compared to the normal size cupcakes above.

Lastly I would like to submit this Nutella Cupcakes with Chocolate Chips for Aspiring Bakers #13: Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011) hosted by Min of Min’s Blog. Enjoy everyone!


Kiwifruit & Lime Cupcakes

As much as you read about my passion on using fresh fruits in both my dishes and bakes I am rather excited with my new love on using “kiwifruit” as one of the key ingredient. Before my recent encounter with ZESPRI kiwifruit, I didn’t know that kiwifruit has so much health benefits or rather it could be so versatile to use in creating our daily meals. 

Below is another way that you could in-cooperate kiwifruit in baking some delicious cupcakes to impressive your guests with minimum steps and effort. These serve great for afternoon tea with cup of fragrant tea to balance it’s zesty taste. 


We love the texture of this cupcake which is soft, moist and infuse with hint of sweet and sour zesty flavour from the green kiwifruit and lime syrup. And it really taste great while eating it warm as a tea-cake or as after meal dessert which gives you a refreshing taste and comfort feeling especially during cold nights. 

(makes6 | Preparation10 minutes | Cooking25 minutes)

75g Self-raising Flour
40g Plain Flour
50g Ground Almond
80g Caster Sugar
62g Unsalted Butter, melted and cooled
1 Large Egg
60ml Milk
1 1/2 Ripe Green Kiwifruit, cut into cubes
1/2 Green Kiwifruit, sliced for garnishing


1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Place combined flours, almond meal and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Stir well.

2. Whisk egg and milk together with melt butter and slowly stir into the flour ingredients follow by the cubed kiwifruit.

3. Using a spatula, mix well and spoon mixture into paper cases and bake in preheated oven for 25 – 30 minutes till golden and skewer inserted and comes out clean.

4. Cool in pan for 10 minutes before turning onto wire rack to cool further.


Lime syrup is great to act as an addition toppings to enhance the flavour of  many dessert dishes or as an accompaniment to certain drinks which needs a zesty lift. This syrup can be served warmed or cold with desserts or cold. For a combination you could also used half portion of lime juice mixed with lemon juice instead of using one type of fruit.

(Preparation5 minutes | Cooking10 minutes)

Zest of 1 Lime
90ml Lime Juice(about 2 – 3 limes)
80g Caster Sugar


1. To make the lime syrup, place lime rind, lime juice and sugar in a small saucepan. Stir over low heat until sugar dissolves.

2. Simmer over medium low heat for 8 – 10 minutes until thickened.

3. Cool the syrup slightly. Use a skewer make holes over the cakes before spooning the sryup over cakes and top with sliced kiwifruit.

4. You could also un-mould cake on serving plates, spoon over extra lime syrup and serve warm.

Inilah 30 Ikon Kuliner Tradisional Indonesia

Siapa pun mengakui bahwa kuliner di Indonesia sangat banyak ragamnya, mulai dari aneka racikan nasi, yang menjadi makanan wajib orang Indonesia, ragam kue, sayur dan lauk pauk, hingga aneka minuman.

Dengan banyaknya jenis kuliner tersebut, industri kuliner menjadi salah satu industri yang berkembang saat ini, seiring dengan berkembangnya pariwisata dalam negeri.

“Ditetapkannya kuliner menjadi subsektor industri kreatif yang bisa jadi kebanggaan di luar negeri. Dalam hal ini, kuliner menjadi menjadi wisata minat khusus,” ungkap Dirjen Pengembangan Destinasi Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Firmansyah Rachim, di Hotel Dharmawangsa, Jakarta, Jumat (14/12/2012).

Banyaknya ragam kuliner Indonesia mengakibatkan sulitnya mendefinisikan mana yang termasuk makanan khas Indonesia. Karena itu perlu ditetapkan jenis makanan tradisional yang dapat menjadi ikon, mewakili kuliner Indonesia di event nasional dan internasional.

Menurut Firmansyah, terdapat 70 jenis calon ikon kuliner tradisional Indonesia, yang kemudian dikerucutkan menjadi 30 ikon kuliner tradisional Indonesia. Kuliner tersebut terdiri dari kuliner pusaka, tradisi dan unggulan, mulai dari makanan pembuka, hingga penutup.

Landasan pemilihan 30 ikon  kuliner tradisional  Indonesia tersebut, ungkap Firmansyah, berdasarkan beberapa kriteria. Pertama, bahan baku harus mudah diperoleh, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri, yang kedua kuliner tersebut telah dikenal oleh masyarakat luas, serta ada pelaku profesional praktisi kuliner tersebut.

Tiga puluh ikon kuliner tradisional Indonesia, yang diseleksi oleh Kelompok Kerja buatan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, yang terdiri dari para praktisi dan pakar kuliner, yaitu Ayam Panggang Bumbu Rujak Yogyakarta, Gado-gado Jakarta, Nasi Goreng Kampung, Serabi Bandung, Sarikayo Minangkabau, Es Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara, Urap Sayuran Jogjakarta, Sayur Nangka Kapau, Lunpia Semarang, Nagasari Jogjakarta, Kue Lumpur Jakarta, Soto Ayam Lamongan, Rawon Surabaya, Asinan Jakarta, Sate Ayam Madura.

Berikutnya Sate Maranggi Purwakarta, Klappertaart Manado, Tahu Telur Surabaya, Sate Lilit Bali, Rendang Padang, Orak-arik Buncis Solo, Pindang Patin Palembang, Asam Padeh Tongkol Padang, Nasi Liwet Solo, Es Bir Pletok Jakarta, Kolak Pisang Ubi Bandung, Ayam Goreng Lengkuas Bandung, Laksa Bogor, Kunyit Asam Solo, serta Nasi Tumpeng. Ke-30 ikon kuliner ini ditetapkan sebagai ikon kuliner tradisional Indonesia di dalam maupun luar negeri.

Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Mari Elka Pangestu mengharapkan dari ke-30 ikon kuliner tradisional Indonesia ini, akan akan disajikan berbentuk menu, mulai dari makan pembuka hingga minuman.

“Pemilihan kuliner tradisional tak berhenti pada 30 ini. Kita mulai dari 30 ini selanjutnya kita implementasi, kenapa kita memilih kuliner tersebut, dengan cerita yang ada di balik kuliner. Nantinya setiap destinasi wisata harus punya ikon dan kuliner unggulan. Karena kuliner adalah bagian dari tourism,” ujar Mari.

“Ditetapkannya 30 ikon kuliner tradisional Indonesia, diharapkan menjadi makanan yang wajib dimasak pada setiap event nasional atau internasional di Istana Negara,” tambah Firmansyah.


Crisp Duck with Apple & Orange Sauce serve with Rosemary & Garlic Flatbread

I have hardly use DUCK meat as one of my ingredient while planning for our daily meals. I guess the only dish that I known how to cook by using whole/portion duck is to make “Braised Duck with Dark Soya Sauce” which is a well-like dish in most Asia families. Not long ago, I have read up a recipe and post fromJacob over at Cook.Snap.Eat.Love where he takes the effort and time to prepare Duck Confit as a main course to host a few food bloggers on a tasting session(read more HERE).

After going through Jacob’s recipe plus some others similar recipes online, I find making Duck Confit was rather complicated and time consuming for my standard as a home cook. So after much consideration, I think I better settle for something easier which I could managed and keep that big project aside for the time being.


This is a pretty easy dish with minimum preparation but comes with delicious combination of savory crisp duck, crunchy fresh apple plus salad greens swam in pool of aromatic spiced orange sauce. Personally I love the sweet and tangy taste of the orange sauce which really goes well with the whole combination and especially on the crisp duck.

Here I used half portion of the duck(which included the duck breast fillet and drumstick) instead of two duck fillets because I have left over from the previous dish on braised soya duck. If you are getting the duck from the wet market poultry stalls, you could also ask them to help you de-bone the fillet which would be easier for you.

(serves2 | Preparation30 minutes | Cooking25 minutes)

2 Duck Fillets, skin on
1/2 Tablespoon Sea Salt
Dash of Freshly Ground Black Pepper
1 Red Delicious Apple, sliced thinly
2 Servings of Salad Greens


1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Place a wire rack over a foil-lined baking tray.

2. Make shallow incisions diagonally across skin of duck apart 1cm apart, rub sea salt into skin.

3. Place a non-stick frying pan on medium heat, add duck, skin-side down and cook for 8 minutes until skin is crispy.

4. Transfer to wire rack, skin-side up and bake for 12 – 15 minutes until tender. Remove from oven and stand on wire rack for 10 minutes before slicing it.

5. Using a vegetable slicer or knife, sliced the apple thinly and place it on the duck slices on prepared plates.

6. Drizzle some orange sauce on the apple and duck mixture, top with some salad greens and homemade rosemary and garlic flatbread on the side and serve warm with extra orange sauce.

Orange Sauce:

2 Tablespoons Orange Marmalade
1 Tablespoon Brown Sugar
Zest of 1 Orange
125ml of Orange Juice
60ml Cup Water
2 Star Anise


1. Place orange marmalade, sugar, orange zest, orange juice, star anise and water in a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir until sugar has dissolved.

2. Simmer for 8 – 10 minutes, until sauce reduced and sightly thickened. Strain and serve warm.


flatbread is a simple bread made with flour, water, salt and then thoroughly rolled into flattened dough. Many flatbreads are unleavened which is made without using yeast or sourdough culture similar to the recipe shown below. And in order to make the above crisp duck salad more filling, I decided to pair it with some homemade Rosemary and Garlic Flatbread which could be used to wrap up the crisp duck salad.

Recipe adapted and modify from Australia Masterchef website HERE.

(serves2 | Preparation30 minutes | Cooking10 minutes)

125g Plain Flour
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
2 Garlic Cloves, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
65ml(1/4 cup) Lukewarm Water
1 Tablespoon Finely Chopped Fresh Rosemary
Extra Flour, dusting
2 Tablespoons Melted Butter


1. Combine olive oil and lukewarm water in a jug.

2. Process flour, salt and rosemary in a food processor or alternatively place them in a large mixing bowl.

3. Slowly add olive oil and water mixture to the flour to form a dough.

4. Turn dough onto floured surface and knead until smooth. Rest dough for at least 30 minutes

5. Divide dough into 6 dough balls, roll out flat and fry(without oil) for 2 minutes each side or until golden.

6. Brush with melted butter. Keep warm and serve together with the Crisp Duck salad above.

Other than making your own flatbread from scratch you could also purchase those ready-made “Wraps/Tortilla ” which are available in most leading supermarkets. I am sure you would like this dish as much as I do, and if duck fillets are not available in your area or liking you could always replace it with chicken fillets. And furthermore if you could get hold of kumquat marmalade I am it would add extra and unique flavour to this dish too. Enjoy! 

Avocado Chicken Parmigiana

Parmigiana (a short form of Parmigiana di melanzane) is a Southern Italian dish made with a shallow-fried sliced filling, layered with cheese, tomato sauce and baked before serving. But here we are making a quick version of this “Avocado Chicken Parmigiana” where tender chicken breast schnitzel is topped with bottled tomato pasta sauce and fresh avocado together with generous amount of grated Mozzarella cheese.

(Quick and Easy version)

You could serve this Chicken Parmigiana with some garden salad on the side together with a bowl of hot soup and bread or use the chicken as a topper to make a pasta dish. And I am sure your guest would be impressed by this dish which is so easy to prepare and yet healthy in sight as well as taste.

(serves4 | Preparation10 minutes | Cooking15 minutes)

2 Chicken Breast Fillets, halved lengthways
1/2 Cup Plain Flour
2 Tablespoons Fresh Milk
2 Eggs
1 1/2 Cups Dried Breadcrumbs
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil/Cooking Spray
1/2 Cup Tomato Pasta Sauce
Avocado, Sliced
1/2 Cup Grated Mozzarella Cheese
Salad Green, to serve


1. Place chicken breast in a clear plastic bag(alternatively between 2 sheets plastic wrap), using a rolling pin or meat mallet pound until 0.5cm thick.

2. Place flour and breadcrumbs on two separate plate and lightly whisk milk and egg together in a shallow bowl.

3. Coat 1 piece of chicken breast in flour(shaking off excess), dip in egg mixture then coat in breadcrumbs using your fingertips pressing on to secure.

4. Place on prepared baking tray lay with foil or baking paper, repeat the same process with the remaining chicken breast with flour, egg and etc.

5. Lightly spray or brush the prepared chicken with oil, bake for 8 minutes(turning after 4 minutes to have evenly colours on the breadcrumbs) in preheated 200 degree Celsius(392°Fahrenheit) fan-forced oven.

6. Remove from oven and spread each chicken breast with 1 heaped tablespoon of pasta sauce. Arrange avocado slices over sauce and sprinkle with decent amount of mozzarella cheese.

7. Return to oven and bake for another 5 – 7 minutes or until golden and chicken is cooked through.

8. Serve with either garden salad or use it as a main topping on cooked pasta.

Personally I love this dish because it is so easy to prepare and yet full of flavour. The tender and juicy chicken breast is infuse with the mixture of sweet and savory taste from the tomato sauce, melted cheese and buttery flavour of the avocado which makes it a great combinations. Furthermore the garden salad at the side also adds in extra texture and flavour to balance the taste.

Hope this would be a great idea for your quick and easy weekend dish for your family or friends. For more ideas on using Avocado you can refer to my other recipes 

Pumpkin Granola Bar

My family loves granola and our my favourite granola supply come from “maameemoomoo” who always surprise us with her innovative flavoured granola like honey, pumpkin and chocolate. And since we have missed out Sherie’s pumpkin granola during Halloween orders, I decided to try making something similar to satisfy our craving. So with a twist and some research which I Google, I manage to bake some decent Pumpkin Granola Bar instead.

Although my granola bar might not taste as good as Sheri’s but at least I happy with the end result and also it’s a challenge for me to bake something with such a long ingredients list too.


These golden granola bars are made with pumpkin puree, applesauce and honey which are so flavorful when mixed with the chewy rolled oats, cranberries, chocolate chips, spices and etc. Each bite is full of delicious autumn flavour which makes the whole process of time and effort worth. 

(Make16 x 26cm (base measurement) | Preparation30 minutes | Baking45 minutes)

3 Cups (260g) Rolled Oats
1 Teaspoon Mixed Spices
1/2 Teaspoon Sea Salt
3/4 Cup Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup Pumpkin Puree
1/4 Cup Apple Sauce
1/4 Cup Honey
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/4 Cup (60g) Dried Cranberries
1/4 Cup (40g) Pumpkin Seeds
1/4 Cup Chocolate Chips
1/2 Cup Roasted Almond
1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds

1. Preheat the oven to 180° degree Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit) and crease a 3cm deep, 16cm x 26cm brownie pan and line it with baking paper, allowing 2cm overhang on all sides.

2. In a large bowl, whisk rolled oats, mixed spices and salt together.

3. In another bowl, whisk brown sugar, pumpkin puree, apple sauce, honey and vanilla extract until smooth.

4. Pour pumpkin mixture over rolled oats and stir well till oats are moist.

5. Stir in dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, chocolate chips, roasted almond and chia seeds till combined.

6. Evenly press oat mixture into prepared pan and bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown as pumpkin puree adds moisture to the oats mixture and you don’t want them to be under bake. 

7. Remove, cool completely and using a sharp knife and cut it into 12 – 14 bars.

Ingredients For Pumpkin Puree:
400g Pumpkin, cut into 1″ Cubes
1 Tablespoon Water

1. Place pumpkin cubes and 1 tablespoon of water in a microwave safe bowl.

2. Cook over high heat for about 15 minutes or until pumpkin is soften when mashed with a fork.

3. To get a nice and smooth consistency you can either mash or blend the cooked pumpkin with a fork or hand blender.

Ingredients For Apple Sauce
~ 2 Granny Smith Apples, cored and chopped
~ 1 Tablespoon Sugar ~ 1/4 Teaspoon Mixed Spice
~ 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
~ 1/4 Cup Water

1. Combine all ingredients and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes or until apple soften and melt.

Although these granola bar might look crispy due to it’s colour but for your information they are actually more of the chewy type instead. But with the crunchy almond and nutty flavour from the chia seeds as well as chocolate chips and cranberries this pumpkin bar definitely taste awesome with all it’s goodness. 




750 gram (3 potong ) daging steak
3 sdm minyak sayur
1 sdm wijen sangrai, untuk taburan
4 sdm miso
21/2 sdm shoyu
2 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt jahe parut
1 batang daun bawang, iris
1. Tusuk-tusuk daging dengan garpu. Lalu kerat-kerat permukaan daging.
2. Campur miso, shoyu, gula pasir, jahe dan daun bawang, aduk rata.
3. Lumuri daging dengan campuran miso, ratakan. Tutup plastik dan simpan dalam lemari es
selama 2 jam agar bumbu meresap.
4. Panaskan minyak masukkan daging dan bumbu. Masak dan aduk-aduk hingga daging matang. Angkat.
5. Sajikan hangat dengan taburan wijen sangrai.

Untuk ± 3porsi

Hoppin’ John Soup



1 lb. dried black-eyed peas

1 smoked ham bone or two hocks

¼ cup canola oil

½ cup finely chopped cooked ham

¼ tsp. red chile flakes

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1 jalapeño, stemmed, seeded, and finely chopped

1 large carrot, finely chopped

1 large onion, finely chopped

1 rib celery, finely chopped

1 bay leaf

1 lb. collard greens, ribs removed, leaves roughly chopped

2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

5 cups cooked long-grain white rice

Chopped tomatoes and scallions, for garnish

1. Bring peas, ham bone, and 8 cups water to a boil in a 6-qt. Dutch oven. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook, skimming foam occasionally, until peas are tender, about 45 minutes. Drain peas, reserving 1 cup cooking liquid along with ham bone; set aside. 
2. Heat oil in a 12-qt. pot over medium-high heat. Add chopped ham, chiles, garlic, jalapeños, carrot, onion, celery, and bay leaf and cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 8 minutes. 
Add reserved black-eyed peas, ham bone, and reserved cooking liquid, along with collards and
 12 cups water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer until collards are tender, about 1 hour. Stir in vinegar and season with salt and pepper. Spoon rice into bowls and ladle soup over rice and add garnishes.

Tropical Smoothies

Who doesn’t want an ice COLD smoothie for breakfast? Try this YUMMY combo and you’ll be HAPPY, I promise!

Tropical Smoothies
1 to 1 1/2 cups milk

1 (6-ounce) container pina colada or pineapple yogurt

1 ripe mango, cut into pieces (and peeled)
1 banana
3 to 5 strawberries

1/2 cup (or so) fresh pineapple

Couple handfuls ice

Blend all ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Enjoy with some yummy muffins for a tasty breakfast!

TIP: Feel free to add more or less of certain ingredients or switch out some of mine for something you prefer! I think some kiwi would be a great addition, along with a touch of coconut or coconut milk. Mmmm!