> Preparation of Safety Plan

Safety plan is a plan
K3 for project implementation
which aims for in the implementation
project will be
safe from accidents and hazards
disease resulting
labor productivity
high. Safety plan contains:

  • Opening that contains: Overview of the project and principal attention to the activities K3
  • The risk of accidents and its prevention
  • The procedure for operation of equipment
  • Address related institutions: Hospitals, Police, Department of Labour, Department Firefighter.
Examples of the contents of the safety plan as in Table 1.2 of the risk of accidents and
prevention, as well as table 1.3 regarding the procedure of the operation of the appliance.

> Training Courses K3

The training program consists of the K3 2 parts, namely:

  • Training in general, with training materials regarding the K3 guide the project, for example:

– Practical implementation of occupational safety and health
on building projects
– Handling, storage and maintenance materials
– Safety and health in the civil works
– Safety and health in the work of finishing outside
– Safety and health in the work of mechanical and
– Safety and health at work finishing in
– Safety and health at work formwork
– Safety and health at work pembesian
– Safety and health work in temporary jobs
– Safety and health in the work of steel frame
– Safety and health in the work of the special structure
– Safety and health at work pembetonan
– Safety and health in the work of pile foundation and
– Safety and health in demolition job

  • Special training project, which is given at the beginning of the project and in the middle period of the project as a refresher, the participants all the officers involved in project supervision, the materials on general knowledge about the K3 or the Safety Plan of the relevant projects

> Supplies and Equipment K3

Supplies and equipment
supporting programs K3,

  • Promotion programs K3, which consists of:

– Installation of flag K3,
RI flag, flag company.
– Installation of sign-board
K3 which contains among other
slogans that remind
the need to work

  • Facility equipment attached to the person or called protective equipment (personal protective equipment), including:  

– Protective eye and face

Safety glasses (figure 1.7a) is the equipment most
widely used as protective eyewear. Although it seems
similar to ordinary glasses, but a stronger safety glasses
and impact resistant and heat resistant than ordinary glass eye.
Goggle provides better protection than
Safety glass for more against the face (figure 1.7b)

Face shield (Figure 1.8a) provides protection
comprehensive in the face of danger splashes of chemicals, the object
flying or liquid iron. Many of these face shield
can be used in conjunction with the use of helmets.

Welding helmet (Figure 1.8b) gives good protection in
face and also eye. This helmet uses a special lens holder
which filters out light and heat energy intesnsitas which
generated from welding activities.

– Hearing protection, and the type most widely used:
Foam earplugs, PVC earplugs, earmuffs (figure 1.9)

Protective head or helmet (hard hat), which protects the head
because it has the following: a layer of hard, resistant and strong
against the impact of the head; suspension system
in it act as a drag shocks; some
designed to withstand the kind of electric shock, and protect
scalp, face, neck and shoulders from splashes, spills, and droplets.

The types of protective head as shown in Figure 1.10, among others:
Class G to protect the head from falling objects; and
protect from electrical shocks to 2200 volts.
Class E to protect the head from falling objects, and can
protect from electric shock to 20,000 volts.
Class F to protect the head from falling objects, NOT
protect from electric shock, and do not protect from
damaging materials (corrosive)

Protective feet of shoes and boots, as seen in
1.11ag picture, among others:

a) Steel toe, shoes that are designed to protect the toe of
falling objects
b) metatarsal, shoes specially designed to protect all
foot from the lever until finger
c) Reinforced sole, this shoe is designed with a reinforcing material from
iron that will protect from puncture of the foot
d) Latex / Rubber, shoes that are resistant to chemicals and
provide a stronger grip on slippery surfaces.
e) PVC boots, shoes that protect from moisture and helps
walking in the muddy
f) Vinyl boots, shoes that bear chemical solvents, acids, alkali, salt, water and blood
g) Nitrile boots, shoes that are resistant to animal fats, oils, and chemicals

Hand protection in the form of gloves to the type-species
as shown in Figure 1.12ag, among others:

a) Metal mesh, gloves that are resistant to end things
sharp and protect hands from cuts
b) Leather gloves, protects hands from rough surfaces.

c) Vinyl and neoprene gloves, protects hands from toxic chemicals
d) Rubber gloves, protects hands when working with electricity
e) padded cloth gloves, protects hands from sharp edges, bumpy and dirty.
f) Heat resistant gloves, protects hands from heat and fire
g) disposable latex gloves, protects hands from bacteria and germs

– Protective danger of falling with the kinds of, among others: (drawing 1.13)

a) Full Body Hardness (Clothes Fall Hazards holder), the system
designed to spread the impact energy or
shock at the time of fall through the shoulders, thighs and buttocks.

Clothing retaining danger of falling is designed with the design
comfortable for the wearer where the fastener shoulders, chest,
and thigh straps can be adjusted by the wearer. Clothing
danger of falling retaining ring is equipped with “D” (high)
located behind and in front of where the connecting rope
fastener, rope or other auxiliary equipment that can

b) Life Line (string connection), connection string bending with tensile strength
minimum of 500 kg of which one end tied to place
linkages and hang vertically, or attached to
place another link to be used horizontally

c) Anchor Point (Links Place), where menyangkutkan hook
which at least should be able to withstand 500 kg per worker
using the relation thereto. Place the link should be selected to prevent the possibility of falling. Place the link, if
possible should be placed higher than the wearer’s shoulders

d) Lanyard (Tali Binder), a flexible short rope or webbing
rope, clothing protectors are used to connect a fall-building
workers to place the link or connection string. Long strap
may not exceed 2 meters and have a button hook
to lock automatically

e) Refracting Life Lines (Ropes Fasteners association), the components
is used to prevent the strap is not too
lax. The rope will be elongated and shortened in
automatically when the workers rise as well on the way down.

> Understanding Measurement

Physics as a master mechanic-hydraulic-fluid mechanics, heavy equipment
measurements require very careful to symptoms
studied can be explained (and predictable) accurately. Actually
measurement is not only absolutely necessary for physics, but also for fields
other sciences, including the application of such knowledge. In other words, no
theory, principles, and laws in natural science that can be
accepted unless accompanied by the results of accurate measurements.

What is a measurement? To find out things
, consider the following descriptions: for example you with your friends
measured the length of the table with hand span. Results
measurements were performed using inch units. For example, if
use your hand span, then the result is the same length of table
with 25 inch arms.

However, if using inch units
your friend’s hand so that the same long table with 23 inch arms.
The difference these results suggest that the measurement result depends
the units used. Thus the measurement is defined
as a process of comparing a quantity to other quantities
(A) used as a unit. The unit is comparable in

In the above activities, which measure the length of the table that otherwise
with numbers, then the length of the scale. So everything
can be measured and expressed as the number or value is called scale.
For example, table length is 100 centimeters, the length is
scale with 100 as the value and centimeters as units, or
mass table was 20 kilograms, then the mass is the scale with 20
as the value and the kilogram as a unit. Magnitude is `something
can be measured and expressed as the number or value and has units.
The unit is comparable in the measurement.

The measurement is to compare something with something
Another is regarded as a benchmark. So in the measurement there are two
The main factor is the comparison and benchmark (standard). In our junior class 1
have studied the subject of measurement. Here we will only
repeat part of it, to refresh our understanding of
what’s contained in the measurement.

> Quantities and units

The properties of an object or event that we measured, for example
body length, body mass, the length of time running around a
field called the scale, what scale we can measure from a

In a book, we can measure the mass, length, width, and
thick book. How do we express the results of measuring the length of the book?
For example, a book length equal to 25 inches; centimeters called
unit of length scale. The mass of books equal to 1 kilogram, kilograms
called the unit of mass scale. So always follow the scale unit,
never before him.

In our society there is sometimes
units that are not standard or non-standard, such as unit length
selected fathoms or span. The unit is not standard because it does not have
same size for different people. One inch of adult
another with one inch of the children. That is why the span and not depa
used as a standard unit of measurement physics.

Are the conditions that must be possessed of a unit that can be a unit
standard? Some of the main requirements are as follows:

1. Unit value should be fixed, either in hot or cold weather, for people
adults and for children, and to changes
other environments. For example, the span can not be used as a unit
default because different for each person, while
meter applies equally well to adults mapun children. By
therefore, the meter can be used as standard units.

2. Easily recoverable (easy to imitate), so that others who want to
use these units in measurement can
obtain it without much difficulty. Unit mass is kilogram,
easily be recovered by a comparison. Thus,
pounds can be used as standard units. Can we imagine,
how busy if a unit are difficult to make a replica so that the world
there is only one standard unit. Other people who want
measure the amount in question must use only
The standard units to obtain accurate results.

3. The unit must be internationally accepted. It deals with
interests of science and technology. By deterimanya a
unit as international units, the scientists from one country
can easily understand the measurement results from scientists in other countries.

Unit system most widely used around the world, which is valid
in interasional is the SI unit system, short for language
French Systeme International d’Unites. This system was proposed in the General
Conference on weights and Measures of the International Academy of
Science in 1960. In this unit system, there are seven scale
the so-called principal amount.

> The amount of principal and derivative

The amount of principal
The amount of principal is the amount that the unit has been defined prior
first. Seven basic quantities in the SI unit system are:
Length (meters)
Mass (kg)
Time (second)
Strong electric current (ampere)
Temperature (kelvin)
Light intensity (candela)
Amount of substance (mole)

Units such as meters, kilograms, and the second is already
defined first. What is the definition of units of
principal amount of these? In the following explanation will be presented definitions
of three basic quantities of length, mass, and time, while unit
Other quantities will be discussed when we discuss the subject
concerned with the amount of vine.

The standard unit for length is the meter in the SI. System of units
based on the meter as a standard measurement system called
metric. At first, the meter is defined as one ten-millionth the distance
between equator and north pole of the earth is measured through the meridian
through the city of Paris. As a standard meter, was made a metal rod
platinum-iridium, which contained both ends of each stroke,
where the distance between two scratches are equal to 1 meter.

In 1960, a standard meter redefined as 1,650,763.73
times the wavelength in vacuum of the color spectrum
orange-red krypton-86 atoms. This is done to re-defining
increase the ease of a standard meter to be made replica, in addition to
to increase accuracy. However, even this definition does not re-
last long, only about 23 years. In 1983, one meter
defined as the distance traveled by light in vacuum during
1/299.792.458 second. With this last definition, complete meters as
standard units meet the requirements specified standard units in front.

The mass of an object is a number of substances contained in
an object. Mass units in the SI unit system is
kilogram. As a standard for the kilogram, the kilogram standard was made,
which is a metal cylinder made of platinum-iridium, which is now
This is stored in Sevres, near Paris. Initially one kilogram same
with a mass of 1000 cm ³ of pure water at a temperature where the density
maximum, which is 4 º C. But mistakes happen, because it turns out one
kilogram exactly is 1000.028 cm ³ of water.

In everyday conversation, we often confuse the sense mix
mass with weight, but they are different. Weight is the amount of
force experienced by objects due to gravity on the object. For
daily use, is not a confusion of terms
problem, but in physics or an exact science, the definition of mass
and weight should really be distinguished. Has units of mass and weight
different, mass has units of kilograms, while the weight has
Newton unit. The main difference between mass and weight
is that the masses do not depend on the place where the object is located,
while the weight depending on where the object is located. So the weight change
according to the place.

Standard units for time are seconds, which was originally defined
1/86.400 day as the sun. But when scientists found that
solar day is reduced about 0.001 seconds every century, then the second
1/86.400 redefined as solar day in 1900. In
1967, the second was redefined as the time interval from 9192631770
oscillation of the radiation generated by transitions in cesium-133 atom. Tool
measuring time using a cesium atom is cesium atomic clock, which
have a very high accuracy, ie during the 3000 year only
have a second mistake.

The amount of derivatives.
Most of the values which we use in physics and sciences
terapannya (including fluid mechanics and hydraulics, and heavy equipment)
units have a combination of units
principal amount. Such quantities, which determined its unit
based on the principal amount of units, called the scale derivative.
of the magnitude of this derivative is the area of a square area. Same broad
length times width, where length and width are both
unit length. So vast is the quantity derived from
length scale multiplication with a scale length. Example: Other:
speed (distance divided by time), pressure (force divided by area), the volume of beam
(Length x width x height), discharge (volume divided by time). We know that
speed is the distance (scale length) divided by time. So speed
is a derivative quantity obtained by dividing the amount of
long with the amount of time.

How unit quantities derived from them? It is clear
that the units for the amount of derivatives in accordance with how the
derived quantities were obtained from a combination of basic quantities.

Because the same large scale multiplication of two long, then the unit area
together with the multiplication of two units of length, namely meter x meter = meter
square = m². The unit for speed is the unit of length divided by unit
time, ie meters per second = m / s. It is clear here that that the units
derivative quantities that follow describe the scale derivative. Unit
speed is m / s, mean speed equal to the length (distance) divided
time. The unit for volume is m beam, means the volume is the length
times the length times the length. Density has the units kg / m³, mean mass
type is the mass divided by volume.

> Introduction

Motor vehicles are one of the tools
transportation used by humans to move from
one place to another. Early 19th century’s,
vehicle only functioned as a mere means of transportation, it’s no wonder
if the manufacturing process has not been touched and aesthetic aspects
comfort. The important thing is the wheels can rotate, so that users can
achieve the goal with a shorter time.

Era of progress and development of automotive technology,
making life increasingly dynamic automotive world. This can be seen from
now motor vehicles not only as a means of transportation, but
developed into a means of creative and achievement, even
vehicles finally become a symbol of a person.
If viewed in terms of shape, the vehicle formerly only shaped
box with a purpose can be used for transporting goods or passengers.

But now, growing very varied forms of vehicles, namely
vehicle with an aerodynamic body, has many accessories and
completeness, and sometimes deliberately designed vehicles that have characteristics
typical of the manufacturer.

The materials used to make cars that time still
the form of wood, then turned into steel that has
good strength, but has a severe weight disadvantage.
Then shifted using eyser plate material, developing
using aluminum body, and present trends in body
fiberglass which has a very light weight.

> History of Vehicle Body

Around the year 1896 – 1910, the vehicle body is made of
timber to the chassis or body. It is still affected
horse-drawn carriage with the body at that time. Wood used to have
thickness of about 10 mm. Connections between components using
nails made of wrought iron. To the roof of the vehicle, there
which uses ordinary cloth, canvas cloth, but some are
using a timber with the aim that the body can be strong.

In 1921, Weymann introduce floor construction
which became the backbone of the other body components, such as wall
vehicles and vehicle seats. The floor is made of a material intentionally
strong, while other components can be made from components
light. Connection with a floor wall using a steel plate
bolted, and to eliminate the gap between the connection usually
used timber. The panels are made of cloth, canvas and exterior
using a skin. However, these materials have a short life.

After the vehicle demand increases, then
required a rapid process of making body and can be produced
mass. The development of metal technology was involved speeding
technology development vehicle body, where the iron can be processed and
formed by using a press machine.

New in 1927 (see figure 1.3) as a whole body
vehicle is made of metal, whereby the vehicle body consisting of
various components has been made of sheet plate formed /
pressed. With the development of metal processing methods are increasingly
increases, the production can also increase vehicle production.

Request a vehicle that continues to increase, causing
there is competition between firms in producing vehicles. Ahliahli
engineering body of each company trying to create the vehicle body
accordance with the needs, ergonomics and comfort and has for
driver and passenger.

The development of the body on the chassis technology from year to
also in progress. For example, wheeled vehicles
initially have a diameter that is not the same, the rear wheels is greater than
on the front wheel, the fingers are made of wood and metal-coated wheels
steel into the wheels that have used both rubber and metal rim
iron or aluminum. Even now no longer tire technology
tire wear in (tubeless tire) that is more secure and easy to use.

The roof of the vehicle (head lining) which was originally only made of
cloth, then shifts made of vinyl or plastic that is more
interesting shape and easy to clean. Assembly process was
relatively easy by using the adhesive (glue).

Passenger comfort in the drive to always
enhanced, for example, seating which has a spring and can be
set position, such as interior door trim, panels, dashboard
made of plastic vinyl or carpet floor that is easy even
cleaned. Steering system that used to use a stick to change
a steering wheel, shift lever to adjust the acceleration also
driver comfort and many other improvements.

Electrical systems also began to be developed. At first light
vehicles using oil, then developed using
acetylene (carbide) and now use a battery as a source of
electricity. Functions that used to light only as a means of lighting in
night, when this light is also used as a cue and ramburambu
in an effort to improve safety in driving.
The lights also be of interest for vehicle accessories
enhance the look of the vehicle.

The development of vehicle body, also plays an important role
in terms of vehicle capabilities. The first time the steam engine vehicles
Cugnot created, can only walk about 5 km / h, but when
These vehicles can run at speeds above 100 km / h
but still comfortable, safe and not noisy.

Most people probably only think that the speed depends on the engine, will
but this time people began to realize that the speed of the vehicle also
influenced by the stability of the vehicle as well as shape and surface of the body
vehicle. As in racing, aerodynamics of a vehicle
it is essential to achieve the speed and stability of the vehicle,
this is the case with ordinary vehicles, now becomes one body
one very important and always made the development.